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Let’s Talk Dubs

Listen to some of the Best VW talk on the web! Subscribe for weekly podcasts and never get behind.

Dec 1, 2023

Driving your Volkswagen is the most fun. One of the greatest experiences I've ever had was driving my Volkswagen in competition against other cars. This weeks episode is about the only Volkswagen that was in 2023's sick the magazine death week. It's a weeklong road trip that goes from track to track and plenty of oddball places in between for checkpoints. AJ Sims of low budget racing and Anton Walker piloted his fastback Volkswagen on this challenge. And what a challenge it was. It seems like they were destined for trouble from the beginning. It's a wild story about late nights, roadside repairs, not enough sleep, roach motels and all of the things that make road trips so memorable. I guarantee after you listen to this you'll want to take your Volkswagen on one of these events. It doesn't need to be the fastest but it definitely can be the most fun. Driving our cars is what this is all about. There's no fun just staring at it in the show room but the rubber the road and make tracks like these guys did.