Sep 25, 2020
Matt Howard has been a staple in the Arizona VW Scene. His history started in the mid 80's. Then his cover car & hard earned recognition for his Arizona Looker Dec 1991 Hot VW's magazine. Then several cars vintage and custom since then. Working at Dinos paint he sharpened his skill set. Now with his shop Deluxe Customs...
Sep 18, 2020
1992 Hot VWs Cover car. Billy Shores 1967 13 Window deluxe Bus. It wasn't common to see a bus lowered and Pink at that! It was a head turner and still is until the early 90's when life started and the bus we retired. He still owns this bus and now it's still in great shape ready to hit the streets. We talk about how it...
Sep 11, 2020
Tory Alonzo was in "The Bug" documantary. His passion of VWs is apparent with the "Herbie" bugs that he's owned. He has been into VWs since his childhood and his Passion runs deep. On this Episode we discuss the "Herbie" collecting, His Low 19K Milage bug & the issues with having a low milage car. Finding a Mexican taxi...
Sep 7, 2020
On October 16&17th there will be a Meet up & Strip Cruise Friday night. Saturday day Cruise and Saturday evening a Poker Run that has $1,000 prize for best hand. Cash for 2nd & 3rd too. It cost $50.00 to enter and you will receive 1 participant only T-shirt plus a special room rate at the Orleans Hotel and Casino
Sep 5, 2020
1st of our listener podcasts. David is the VP of marketing for S&S Cycles. David Sent me his VW story. David has been into VWs since his early youth. He's built several cars from Square back to Buses. Took a little dip to the dark sided with mini trucks. His story is filled with picking old cars out of backyards &...