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Let’s Talk Dubs a Classic VW Podcast

Listen to some of the Best VW talk on the web! Subscribe for weekly podcasts and never get behind.

Oct 28, 2022

Kenny Pfitzer is no stranger to the VW world. Starting back in the 80's his VW bus "wet Dream" was on the cover of VW trends 1995. It was one of the cleanest buses around. $7000 in chrome and detail to the max. Kenny's had a long career working for concept car builder IAD West coast, Metal Crafters, Foose, West Coast...

Oct 21, 2022

Rick Sadler could possibly be the Forest Gump of the VW world. Hes worked at Johnny Speed & Chrome, Dee Engineering & Empi. Before he could drive he was in awe of the Schley Bros Dragster. His involvment through the years would have him building the engine for that same dragster 40 years later! Dirt track racing...

Oct 14, 2022

If you've been into VWs since the late 80's. You'll know the name Patrick Freil. His first car recognized in the magazine was his 1969 M&M Green chopped beetle. Featured in January 1990. With Help from Rick Eichler on the engine and paint & body work. He was a serious competitor. Having VW's in his blood. His DRKC...